
When and why you should run when someone (including myself) recommends a certain set of JVM settings

by kai 30/12/2013

This is part two of a loosely connected series of blog posts dealing with JVM settings. Make sure you check out the first post titled “JVM memory settings for Railo (and Adobe ColdFusion) on Tomcat” before continuing to get an idea of the overall context of this series. Today’s post is about why generic recommendations […]

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JVM memory settings for Railo (and Adobe ColdFusion) on Tomcat

by kai 30/12/2013

This is the first post of a loosely connected series about JVM settings (some of them related to memory, some others not). I got kind of inspired by a series of discussion threads on various CFML-related lists sitting in my inbox for a while now (because I felt the urge to comment on them — […]

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How much memory does my ColdFusion variable really use? – Part III

by kai 10/03/2010

Finally, nearly the last part (there’s one more coming…). In part II I talked about the different problems we’d run into using the instrumentation code out-of-the-box without modifying it for the special scenario of using it to size ColdFusion variables

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