Webeffekt vs. eTracker…another sort of war…

by kai on 26/01/2006

It’s always sad when companies got into public fights about variuos stuff. The one going on in Germany right now is even worse. A company called webeffekt accused another company named eTracker of allowing Goolge to spider and index internal customer data due to security flaws. Both companies are dealing with e-Commerce in general.

BTW: The accusation is wrong, but that’s just one of the points I’m concerned about. Webeffekt seemed to just have pushed out the press release without even talking to the eTracker-people before. Usually one would expect to at least inform the people of their potential “issue”. Bad bullying style, hmmm… but way worse from my point of view is the slander Webeffekt commited against eTracker who now have to fight back. This is annoying, people – return to earth and get a life, damn it 🙂

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