Events Nov 06: Munich and Auckland

by kai on 21/10/2006

Two more (interesting) events:

The first one is about tools called Fusion Debug and Fusion Reactor. Both are very valuable tools for any CF developer and people operating their own server(s). Charlie Arehat is going to deliver a one day class “Fusion Debug/Fusion Reactor Fast Track” at the Adobe offices in Munich on November 3rd. Costs are moderate (325 Euros) and each attendee gets 1 license of Fusion Debug for free. Sounds like a very good deal.

The second one is about myself (sorry, doh ;). I’ve been invited to present at the November meeting of CFUG Auckland. As they are in, well, Auckland (surprise, surprise…), I’m not going to be there physically but will tune in remotely via Breeze. I’m going to talk about the basics of styling and skinning Flex 2 applications. This meeting will take place on November, 9th – 5:45 to 7:00 p.m. NZ time. If you want to tune in or be on location, make sure to register at

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