Kai’s other blog: Kais bewegtes Web

by kai on 23/08/2012

I’m actually not sure who and how many of you reading this and following Blog in Black can read German, but I’ve been told Google Translate is doing a reasonably nice job nowadays when it comes to automated translations.

I’ve got another (German only) blog: Kais bewegtes Web. It’s part of the Heise Developer channel; Heise is a large German publishing house that produces very, very awesome IT print magazines and various themed online portals. When I’m saying “awesome IT print magazines”, I actually mean awesome.

Heise are by far the best and most professional publishers I’ve worked with since I started being a part-time tech journalist in 2002 (and I actually started working for their iX magazine in 2002). The effort editing staff puts into editing and questioning (and therefore constantly improving) my technical content is tremendous and highly appreciated.

Anyway – make sure you check out Kais bewegtes Web, the content is often a bit less technical than it might be here at Blog in Black, but I hope nevertheless worthwhile your time.

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