FarCry 4 news

by kai 22/11/2007

There are a few FarCry 4 related news: FC CMS bundle 4.0.9 (with a few new features!) FC XStandard Release Candidate Check it out! Now! Do it right away! Now! 🙂

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“Active content” developers – watch out

by kai 22/11/2007

Adobe has updated their active content developer centre (which was basically introduced in preparation of the MSFT/IE patent issue with Eolas). There are a few changes and alterations how active content is going to be interpreted in future IE releases, so make sure you have a read.

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The new AIR Logo…

by kai 15/11/2007

…has been shown by Mike Chambers. I think it’s very stylish and cool and it conveys the message behind AIR. I love it, well done guys!

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Online mind mapping

by kai 15/11/2007

Mind maps are nowadays a somewhat established tool for your own or collective brainstorming and organising your thoughts. Diane was looking for an easy solution to draw a mind map and after “verbally abusing” Visio for a few minutes :-), she found MindMeister.com – really cool. It allows you to create mind maps online, to […]

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by kai 15/11/2007

Another social network – sigh – need a third screen to always keep those types of apps/websites opened 🙂 Coldfusioncommunity.org is a bit different though because it’s very tailored to people who actually work with CF. Have a look and give it a try, I’m obviously in there as well: http://www.coldfusioncommunity.org/profile/KaiKoenig

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Web-blast 07: I want to be there!

by kai 15/11/2007

————————— Web-blast 07 ————————— Web-blast is a huge end-of-year party for Sydney’s web community – bringing together web designers, web project managers, interface designers, information architects and other web professionals. Join a range of Sydney’s web communities and celebrate the end of year in style. When: Wednesday 12 December 2007 Time: 6pm onwards Where: Bar […]

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How not to use ColdFusion! A sad story!

by kai 15/11/2007

Oh Dear, I was just taking to a friend of mine back in Germany – actually the talk moved on to CF-related stuff and a reasonably large CF site over there. Disclaimer before I start: this is a general rant and not against particular people. It’s just sad to see how people with a very […]

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CF 8 Hotfix 2

by kai 15/11/2007

ColdFusion 8.0 cumulative hot fix 2 is available. It fixes a good amount of bugs, including the ones that were already fixed in CHF 1. As always – this is a new piece of software, so make sure you actually have to fix one of those issues in your apps if you want to install […]

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CFEclipse article on IBM Developerworks

by kai 08/11/2007

Very nice – IBM Developerworks have published an article from Jim Priest on the CFEclipse ColdFusion plugin for Eclipse. Besides an introduction tutorial on installation, Eclipse terminology and the CFEclipse views, the article also covers debugging with CF 8 in Eclipse as well as deployment using the FTP Synchronization of Aptana. Excellent article Jim, and […]

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Western Central Time in Australia?

by kai 08/11/2007

I’m just working on a some sort of a timezone related piece of functionality and while doing some investigation towards all the timezones in OZ and NZ and the dates when they switch between DST and Standard Time, I came across a very odd purple bubble called WCT = Western Central Time. Does anyone know […]

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