Breeze talk: ColdFusion configuration guidelines

by kai 06/06/2005

Tomorrow (Jun, 7 at 4.00 pm German time), my colleague Alex Riemer will give a Breeze presentation on ColdFusion configuration guidelines. The topic will cover: Setting Up and configurating a ColdFusion MX Server in order to gain performance and stability can be quiet challenging. This session will cover known and foremost hidden falltraps and provide […]

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MX Magazin: Sean Corfield on CF architecures

by kai 01/06/2005

During MX Down Under 2005 I had the chance to interview Sean Corfield about his thoughts on CF architectures and frameworks. The interview has been published now by Germany’s MX Magazin and is available as an online article.

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by kai 25/05/2005

If you’re going to attend CFUNITED this year, have a look at MiniMax 2. It’s a free-of-charge night event to be held on Tuesday night (the pre-conference night) with a lot of interesting topics.

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CFUNITED: ColdFusion is 10 years old

by kai 25/05/2005

Yippie, let’s celebrate the 10th anniversary of the king of web application servers at CFUNITED 2005: “Did you know ColdFusion is 10 years old? CFUNITED attendees can join in the fun and festivities to celebrate ColdFusion’s 10th anniversary at 8:00pm Thursday evening on the Bethesda North Marriott hotel terrace! The Thursday evening event along with […]

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Finally, the musical baton hit Germany ;)

by kai 20/05/2005

This went throught parts of MM’s blogger community during the last days already. So – after nearly two weeks of non-blogging (but there are things to expect for the next days) I’m back with “funstuff”. By the way, I got the musical baton from Kay Smoljak, she got it from Sean Corfield who got involved […]

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Reserved words in QoQ

by marcus 04/05/2005

Today, a user of the Henkel CMS reported a bug in a handler that I wrote. Funny thing – it worked and still works on all CF5 servers we’re running, besides one CFMX that hosts sections needing the UTF-8 charset. So, what happened?The error occured in the edit handler for the random image object on […]

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Eclipse talk slides

by kai 04/05/2005

Finally there are the slides of my Eclipse talk:

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Eclipse talk Breeze recording

by kai 04/05/2005

We did a recording of yesterdays Breeze session on Eclipse and how to use it with Macromedia technology. At all, I’m quite pleased with how it worked (not just the recording), there were about 20-25 people in the room and as the post-session polls showed most of them liked it. The URL for the recording […]

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by kai 03/05/2005

My fault: the Eclipse session starts at 4pm today, sorry, forgot to mention this in my recent post 😉

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Eclipse Breezo later today

by kai 03/05/2005

The URL for the msg talk Breeze meeting later today is Topic is Eclipse and how one might use it for development within various Macromedia-related technologies. Registration is closed already, if you want to join in and didn’t make it to register in time just drop me an email or point your browser to […]

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