Flex Updater 2

by kai 18/07/2004

Macromedia provides an updater 2 for Flex which seems to make to product even better. Put it on your download list for Monday mornings traffic orgy πŸ˜‰

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Back again with a broken finger…

by kai 18/07/2004

I didn’t write anything for a quite long time. Lots of work and other things to do and care about stopped me blogging for two weeks now. Additionally I broke my right ring finger, so that typing wasn’t and still isn’t that comfortable yet πŸ˜‰ Before I disappear in a wonderful week of holiday which […]

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Flex Trace Panel 1.1 + Starter

by kai 30/06/2004

Some weeks ago Dirk released version 1.1 of his Flex Trace Panel. This morning, I forced him πŸ˜‰ into delivering a wrapper application so that the panel stays on top of the desktop all the time – which is very helpful during development. You could download the wrapper here and Dirk posted some instructions around […]

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Ben in Germany…moved to September

by kai 25/06/2004

I just received an email from Tom Gehring, the Macromedia Partner Manager for Central Europe… Ben won’t be able to come over in July, the event has to be moved to September, but read yourself… — CUT — Wir haben leider keine guten Nachrichten. Ben Forta kann nicht nach Deutschland kommen, da er aus gesundheitlichen […]

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ColdFusion stack traces

by kai 23/06/2004

If your CF server got stuck and that there doesn’t seem to be an option to find out what’s happening inside of the black box – there IS a real possibility in ColdFusion MX. Regarding CFs Java foundation, there is a way to produce Java stack traces in CF. Macromedia provides a technote about how […]

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by kai 23/06/2004

If you have no idea what the title of this entry is about, then… eh… welcome to Cricket! πŸ™‚ “Howzat” is short for “How was that?”, a shout a player has to use to appeal with an umpire in Cricket for a decision on a not-so-obvious situation. Why I write about that? Well, just because […]

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Macromedia Flex DevTalks

by kai 22/06/2004

From end of June Macromedia Central Europe offers regulary online meetings for developers via Breeze Live, called Flex DevTalks. The first session will be on June 29th from 11.30 am to 12.15 pm (guys, is that correct? When does pm start? – I’m not used to that time notation πŸ™‚ and the topic of the […]

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Win a book!

by kai 22/06/2004

With the registration application now online, Blog in Black is going to give away a recent Macromedia-related book (no idea yet which title I will provide πŸ˜‰ . How to win? Just register and if you’re the 15th person who’s on the list and who really appears on the event, you’re the winner – both […]

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Ben Forta in Germany – Another update

by kai 22/06/2004

– English – Another update to Bens Germany visit on July 15th in Cologne. Macromedia provides a registration page for Bens afternoon session now: http://macromedia.daemon.com.au/registration.cfm?id=49032&ref=unkn&lang=de&preview=1 Folks, please register for the afternoon session starting at 2.30 pm with drinks and fingerfood afterwards…! – German – Ein Update zu Bens Deutschland-Trip am 15. Juli in KΓΆln. Macromedia […]

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Study on rich internet applications

by kai 16/06/2004

I finally got the mark for my masters thesis in computer science (some of you might know that I’m doing my masters studies besides my daily work): got a 1.3 (for the non-Germans – on a scale beginning with 1.0 being the best one and ending up with 4.0 or “failed”). So – got a […]

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