
CENTEROS: Data Center Management with Flex

by kai 14/04/2010

I just thought, I’d take a bit of time to show off one of the projects we’ve been working on recently: CENTEROS – an affordable software for Data Center Management.

You all have an idea what a data center is, right? Quite large buildings hosting a vast amount of technology such as server racks and servers, air conditioning, diesel backup generators and much more. A data center is pretty much the representation of the virtual infrastructure we all rely on for the work and play we do while using the internet.

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Why Air New Zealand is the Airline of the Year!

by kai 25/01/2010

Air New Zealand (short Air NZ from here on) – my home turf airline – has recently been named Airline of the Year in the Air Transport World magazine awards. There are plenty of reasons why they absolutely have deserved to win this award. Plenty, really!

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Most amazing out-of-office notification

by kai 12/02/2009

Just sent an email to Duane Nickull (already knowing that he’s off snowboarding to Whistler). That’s what I got as an automated reply (I crossed out the cell # and date here): — quote — I am on vacation at Whistler, BC, probably having more fun that you if you are reading this. I will […]

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(Un-)ethical clients? Opinions wanted!

by kai 28/03/2008

Something to think about for you guys. How do you deal with inquiries or clients that do not really stand highly regarded in your political or ethical views? It’s really hard for me to provide an example avoiding to step onto someones’s toes – but obviously there are a few things that each individual around […]

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Western Central Time in Australia?

by kai 08/11/2007

I’m just working on a some sort of a timezone related piece of functionality and while doing some investigation towards all the timezones in OZ and NZ and the dates when they switch between DST and Standard Time, I came across a very odd purple bubble called WCT = Western Central Time. Does anyone know […]

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The Swiss CF boom…

by kai 02/11/2007

…is apparently reaching new heights. The SWISS CFUG has currently 12 CF-related job listings online. Given how small the Swiss market is, I’m very happy that CF is taking off there (again).

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Where does ColdFusion “sit”?

by kai 02/11/2007

Answer: it’s the “hub” – I really like Tim’s visualization of ColdFusion’s positioning in the centre of the IT infrastructure! Very nice, and I hope as many people as possible grab this interpretation and use it in their efforts to establish CF in their organisation! And while we’re speaking of Tim Buntel: Andrew Muller did […]

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OMG: The “Mega Business Byte” deal at the Duxton hotel in Auckland

by kai 02/11/2007

Diane and I will go up to Auckland in pretty much exactly three weeks to attend the Muse concert up there. We’ve booked the flights a while ago but usually don’t bother booking hotels until closer to the day ( has excellent offers). That’s the prelude to the following story. I just went to […]

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