Ben on Blackstone: M’s summary

by marcus on 08/09/2004

To sum it up: you really need that blackstone thingie. πŸ™‚

Another important fact Ben mentioned was that basically, because of its modularity, CF Blackstone is “CF 6.1 with new features added”.

That might be important to all you guys who are currently planning to migrate to MX: if your app runs on 6.1, it will run on blackstone, because, as Ben said, the core tag’s code stayed the same.

This leads to some interesting migration scenarios:

– If you’re planning to move from CF pre-MX to MX, you might consider trying the blackstone beta simultaneously (or even jump directly to that one :). Ben said that 6.1 and blackstone can coexist on one machine without getting each other into trouble.

– The update from 6.1 to blackstone will probably be hassle-free, at least as far as your code it concerned πŸ˜‰

Ben also told us that he’s running blackstone on some (or all? I forgot that) of his productive servers since the eary alpha days without even one error in the logfiles and no visitor complaining about anything. To speak with him: “blackstone is rock solid”.

Can’t wait until the beta will be announced! πŸ™‚

Arindam Biswas September 8, 2004 at 12:00 am

Hey, it was great reading your ‘almost-live’ sessions of THE MAN. BlackStone is truly poised to storm the world. I’m particularly enthused about the event gateway, the cfform type=flash attribute, the report creation tool (its crystal clear who this might impact), the ability to generate pdf and flashpaper formats, ….err… everything about it!!!!

Did he talk of interfaces in CFCs?

Bring on the beta!

Chris September 9, 2004 at 12:00 am

Hi guys,

one little correction:

“Ben also told us that he’s running blackstone on some (or all? I forgot that) of his productive servers since the eary alpha days without even one error in the logfiles…”

He said without an error about the OLD CF tags like CFQUERY or CFOUTPUT. The new features are alpha or beta, and some did/do have bugs. πŸ˜‰

Keep posting about the beta! ;-))


Thorsten September 9, 2004 at 12:00 am

Bens Worte in Gottes Ohr. Nach den kl?glichen Anf?ngen von MX samt den gruseligen 3 Updatern glaube ich nicht sonderlich an ein bugfreies Coldfusion.

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