Adobe and Macromedia: stop the panic!

by kai on 18/04/2005

A lot of people blogged about that one already. Adobe is going to take over Macromedia later this year.

Bascially: so what? There has to be a consolidation in the tools business, be honest, why not put together the best product of each company? Who really uses GoLive!, why not discontinue it due to the success of Dreamweaver. Same for the other tools.

Regarding the server products, I can’t believe that Adobe will discontinue any of them – why should they, they’re successfull at all. So – no panic for me!

Yes, there might be bumps on the way to the “new” Adobe but for me as a CF guy, I’m used to that. It’s quite sad that we have to go through this again just after CF got into silent and good waters after the merger of Macromedia and Allaire.

But as I said, no need to panic, let’s just wait what’s going to happen with this.

Finally: Read this post by Mike Chambers, very reasonable and hopefully in the right direction to calm down your nerves a bit. Funny to read all the legal stuff he had to include in the post 😉

Back to business now!

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