Visualization of Amdahls Law in Flex

by kai on 28/08/2005

Tonight, I’ve been slightly bored by no friends available, wife off for work over the weekend, lousy TV programme and dumb weather 😉

So, following my last post on why CF developers should care about Java stuff, I built a simple Flex app to visualize Amdahls Law. Here’s a screenshot, I just have to make it pretty and put in onto my Flex machine (I’m running the non-commercial edition). Well, I’ve got to fix some stuff with this particular server before being able to do so tomorrow, but sometime external pressure is the only way to get things going, isn’t it…;)

For now, here’s a screenshot, you’ll get the code as well as soon it’s online:

Oh, by the way: I just upgraded my Flex development environment to Eclipse 3.1 and Oxygen 6.1.1 and suddenly my code completion broke. Anybody else with that experience or is it just me…? Any help and idea appreciated!

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