Five resons why I’ve watched too much Lost during the last few weeks

by kai on 14/11/2006

I’ve never watched Lost in TV. Some weeks ago (actually when season 3 started), I thought I’d give it a try (another addiction after Prison Break, 24 and Heros, come on, who cares 😉

We’ve watched season 1 and 2 pretty much within a few days and now I’m up to speed with the latest happenings of season 3. Just the other day, when I was sitting in my plane to Seoul, I was thinking of the…

5 top reasons why one should stop watching it…

5. Sitting in a plane of Korean Air with hardly any other non-Korean makes you think of how Sun and Jun felt when their plane crashed and they didn’t speak/understand a word of the majority language of the other passengers.

4. Watching the “map channel” on your in-seat-TV worries you as there are hardly any islands on the way from New Zealand to Korea where your plane could come down if necessary.

3. Watching the “map channel” on your in-seat-TV makes you happy as there are hardly any islands on the way from New Zealand to Korea where someone could play with a stupid computer and forget to supply stupid numbers to the computer to avoid switching on a huge magnet.

2. Noticing a static in the announcement system of the plane while using the lavatory – the same static Jack sometimes hears in his cell (season 3).

and finally

1. Wondering how you should survice the next months until Lost continues!

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