ColdFusion MX 7 and Apache 2.2.x

by kai on 12/12/2006

Usually I’m pretty lazy with running my CF dev installation. I just use CF’s internal HTTP server on port 8300 (as I run the multiserver setup) and put my apps in subfolders of the webroot. I just install a proper HTTP server if really necessary and not to be avoided 😉

For some particular setup I’ve wanted to run on my dev machine, I had to do exactly this. I haven’t setup a HTTP server on that box since I’ve reinstalled the whole machine the last time – so I thought I’d give Apache 2.2 a try – I don’t like running IIS at all – even on Windows. Well, there are some situations in which it’s hard to avoid – but anyway, that’s another story.

I was pretty confident that Apache 2.2 was not supported by ColdFusion 7.0.2 by default (as the wsconfig.jar for the HTTP connectors of this release was created before the proper release of Apache 2.2) and I was right. But – not a problem: there’s a technote at providing a new wsconfig.jar and some instructions how to install/use it.

The only issue during installation was that I’ve got an “Exception occurred trying to get an MBean” – which was due to me running the wsconfig.jar by using my Java 5 JVM instead of using a Java 1.4 JVM as described by Steven Erat on

Besides that minor one – very smooth process. Apache 2.2.3 rocks and I like the obvious changes they’ve done for that release. Particular the way the configuration files are handled and structured now is done very nicely and reminds me a bit of my own Apache setup on my own webserver.

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