Flex 2 Rich Text Editors (grrr…)

by kai on 13/02/2007

In one of my current Flex projects we need to capture formatted user input that has to be displayed in the Flex application. Well, as you might know the Flash Player is somewhat limited in its HTML capabilities, so it turned out to be some sort of an interesting situation to find a rich text HTML editor that could be stripped down to create “evil” Flash-compatibel HTML formatting – usually it’s more the other way around – you’re looking for something that’s actually able to create proper XHTML etc…

Basically we’ve decided not to go down that route (after trying two editors) but to have Flex eat its own dog food. So we’re using the Flex 2 Rich Text Editor now, hooked it up with the ExternalInterface API to talk to the HTML page it’s sitting in and we’re ready to go – you might think. There’re a few issues with getting the editor properly talking to the HTML form left, but we’re getting there, I’m sure.

Anyway, the reason for this post was that I’ve collected some links to other posts, tutorials, components that I wanted to share and that I found helpful to get my head around the issue:

Flex Rich Text Editor For Use In An HTML Form
(have a look for the source code in the related entries of that one)

Flex 2 Rich Text Editor HTML frustration
Flex 2 Rich Text Editor part 2

Rich Text Editor with Disclosable Controls in Flex 2

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