Trip report and pics

by kai on 01/05/2007

Just a brief one as I’m pretty busy this week. I’m back in NZ (finally) after 10 days of travelling around in Asia and doing a bunch of other client work from the hotel, plane, airport lounge etc :). I’ve been to Korea first to attend Adobe’s Flex Community Leader summit, which was an excellent event organised by Sumi, John, Craig and the Korean Adobe team. They’ve pulled together a lot of people from all over the AsiaPacific region to work on building a multinational, multilingual community for Flex in our region – and it’s amazing to see what other people do with Flex what we never heard about in Oz and NZ due to language and communication issues.

Korea pics on flickr

After that I’ve been in Singapore to deliver a 5-day Flex training class. That was an amazing trip as well, as I’ve never been to Singapore city before (just in the airport). The course went very well and the attendees enjoyed it. I will certainly be back to Singapore in the nearer future, and I will have to bring Diane next time.

Singapore pics on flickr

Also a big thx to the folks from Adobe Singapore who provided me with plenty of Adobe goodies for our local Flex User Group here in NZ. My suitcase was full of …, … and … when I was travelling back (attend one of the next meetings in Wellington or Auckland to see what…) 🙂

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