Adobe MAX 2008 dates, locations and sites and again no India

by kai on 24/03/2008

Adobe has just recently launched the Adobe MAX 2008 conference hub site. The dates and locations have already been talked about in the community for quite a while and there will be three MAX 2008 events again – North America, Europe and Japan.

San Francisco is probably the place to go for me, given that I can just hop on a direct flight from Auckland to SF – very handy. I have to admit though that Milan in Italy is somewhat tempting – pretty good spot for early December. MAX 2008 Japan will be in early 2009 – LOL, that’s an interesting setup.

Personally, I’m a bit surprised (and really just surprised, nothing else) that Adobe again doesn’t cover India by running a MAX Asia event over there – given the size of the market in terms of population and also in terms of the perceived size of their Flex community I’d have expected this to happen in 2008. Apparently there’s a bit of a rumble going on with lots of people being pro and con of a MAX India.

But anyway – MAX 08 is coming and it’s very good to see that Ted Patrick is responsible for planning the events again. It’s been a very good move from Adobe to put someone in charge who understands the community and developers/designers instead of having the event purely driven with corporate and marketing/sales focus.

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