Internationalisation with CF… – slides

by kai on 01/07/2008

During the last few weeks, I’ve presented a session titled “Internationalisation with CF, Java and Flex” at various conferences and meetings. To name those: Scotch on the Rocks, webDU and the June user group meeting of the ColdFusion user group Germany.

The session has changed a bit from SOTR to webDU to the CFUG session and the slides uploaded here are the webDU version. Don’t expect hardcore CF code etc. – this is more of an inspirational session on why Unicode is important, which roles locales play, it explains encodings etc.

Ryan Stewart July 1, 2008 at 12:00 am

Awesome presentation and great use for Share. This is exactly the time I wish we had tagging/search/etc in Share. Thanks for posting. There aren’t enough internationalization resources out there for Flex devs.


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