Webinale 2010

by kai on 29/01/2010

Yay, Webinale 2010 in Berlin is on again (31/05 – 02/06) and I’m going to be hosting and moderating the RIA day at the conference. I’m quite happy and proud to have put together a super-interesting agenda (tentatively) with a quite international bouquet of speakers (in fact: Australia, New Zealand, France and Germany 🙂

1. Kai Koenig: Wieviel RIA braucht der Mensch? (@agentk)
2. Thibault Imbert: Ten Innovative Projects for the Flash Platform (@thibault_imbert)
3. Carlo Blatz: Agiles Arbeiten in RIA-Entwicklungsteams (@carloblatz)
4. Justin McLean: Bringing RIAs and hardware together (@justinmclean)
5. Alexander Schulze: RIA-Translations mit lingopool

You might note that some sessions are actually in German – it’s a German conference after all… 🙂

Haven’t organised my trip yet and it will most likely be a reasonable short stint in Europe after all. But there’s Scotch on the Rocks in London in the week before Webinale – it woul it be a shame not to put in a stopover on the way over to Germany? Hmm… thinking… thinking…

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