Awesome use of Flash

by kai 08/03/2006

The National Bank of New Zealand launched a great web application based on Flash. Well, the application is not rocket science, but the idea is just awesome. The National Bank is one of New Zealand’s full service banks. That said, they offer a wide range of personal or business services. One of them is an […]

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Mollio and Aura

by kai 08/03/2006

As officially being “design-challenged”, I’m always looking for ways to be able to actually put at least anything online that looks more or less pretty. Usually I try to use some sort of stylesheet templates and tweak them to my needs. A very good approach for that is Aura by Ben Bishop. Just recently Daemon […]

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webDU 204-2006 keynotes

by kai 08/03/2006

Geoff and Nectarine released the keynote animation movies of the MXDU 2004 and 2005 as well as the brand new animation of webDU 2006. Those are a must to watch, they are part of the best the internet has to offer imho! 2004 amd 2005 2006

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Reporting and printing code examples

by kai 08/03/2006

Just forgot to upload and link the example files. If you’re interested in getting them, they’re available here.

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Reporting and printing with CF 7: my webDU preso

by kai 08/03/2006

Here you go, my talk’s slides from webDU 2006…

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webDU day 1 and 2

by kai 07/03/2006

To make a long story short – I didn’t make it blogging on it properly. It was just too good to blog all the time. Thursday I attended various sessions in the afternoon and the annual banquet afterwards. Then: Karaoke in the Irish pub and eventually lots of drinks on Finula’s (also known as “the […]

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Back to the 70s/80s

by kai 07/03/2006

Not just back from Sydney and webDU – also back to the last century 😉 Guys in my age or slightly younger or older might remember the concept of audio tapes. You know, the stuff people used to listen to music before the CD or the DVD was invented. The stuff you used to record […]

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webDU day 1 morning sessions

by kai 02/03/2006

I went to Andrew Mullers session on FlashForms first. This was pretty awesome, he explained a lot of interesting stuff and showed cool ways of debugging and tweaking FlashForms apps. After that I enjoyed LordAlex Leon speaking on Cairngorm. Again a very informative and to-the-point session. The slides will be available on his blog pretty […]

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Apollo != widgets :-)

by kai 02/03/2006

Mike Chambers kicked my butt 🙂 After I’ve posted on Apollo earlier this morning apparently people started asking him about the widget functionality I’ve mentioned. Well, to make the point on that again: Mike never mentioned that Apollo purely is a widget building toolkit or anything like that – it is just one of the […]

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Adobe “Apollo”

by kai 02/03/2006

Still in the keynote and Mike is talking about “Apollo” which will be some sort of successor of Central (remember to that one ?). It will somehow bring together technologies as Pdf, Flash and HTML. An Apollo application will be installed from a web browser or via the file system and will be launched like […]

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