Flash and Cricket

by kai 17/08/2004

One of my teammates just sent my this link: http://www.wests.de/games/Stick-Cricket.swf A nice implementation of one day cricket from an Aussie point of view…!

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German Flex DevTalk series recordings

by kai 17/08/2004

Season one of the German Flex DevTalk series is done now 😉 The links to the Breeze live recordings are available in Sven Claars blog where you will also get the example files: Session 1-3 Session 4

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Next MXUG Central Europe Meeting, August 26, 2004

by kai 17/08/2004

The next MXUG Central Europe meeting will happen on August, 26 in Hamburg. Sven Claar and Jörg Abrolat managed to team up with AOL and get Chrisoph Conraets, Macromedias Flex evangelist, to speak there. Registration is available here, details about the event, agenda etc. on the MXUG Central Europe website.

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Great eBook

by kai 17/08/2004

Sorry that’s probably for the German folks only… I’m a long time customer with readersplanet.de, a small online store for eBooks. I’ve got a subscription for Atlan books with them – which I read regularly on my iPAQ when I’m travelling. They have a great free crime story now. It’s called “Mr. Dynamit – Das […]

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AgentK@CF Underground VI

by kai 17/08/2004

If you’re planning to visit MAX 2004 in New Orleans, you should also think about attending CF Underground VI, a one-day-conference on October, 31st – the day before all the MAX stuff is going to start. Last year I was able to got an impression of the last minutes of CF Undergroud V, because Macromedias […]

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CFCATCH and dynamic custom exception types

by kai 16/08/2004

By accident someone pointed my on an interesting behaviour of CFCATCH today. It doesn’t seem to be possible to store the names of your own custom exception types in variables and evaluate them in CFCATCH-statements. That’s not critical at all, because it was quite easy to work around it. I’m not sure what’s the reason […]

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Macromedia goes iPOD

by kai 16/08/2004

Christian Cantrell and Mike Chambers created Take-Away, a collection of mp3 audio files containing the latest Macromedia community news aggregated by MXNA. The nice feature is: I could try to convice the tax authority to accept my iPOD as a tax expense, because I use it for work now 😉 Take-Away allows you to download […]

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Finally: Ben Forta in Cologne…

by kai 06/08/2004

– English – Finally there’s a new date for the cancelled Ben Forta event in July. Ben will visit Cologne on September, 8th now. The agenda and location are identical to the planned event in July: Date: 8th of September, 2004 Location: Hilton Hotel Cologne (Marzellenstrasse 13-17, 50668 Köln) Agenda: 2 pm: Registration 2.30 pm […]

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Adaption of Webservices and SOAs

by kai 29/07/2004

Yesterday I read an interesting article in a german IT business publication. OIt was about the customers adaption of different web technologies which should end up in a so called Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Core of the article was a table regarding web standards and to-become-standards, how mature they are and how they are used […]

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Eclipse 3.0 final and it’s impact on MM-related plugins

by kai 18/07/2004

End of June the Eclipse project released 3.0 final. This entry is about possible impacts on Macromedia-related plugins for Eclipse. The first look is on CFEclipse: The team release a 1.1.14 release some days ago which seems to be perfectly compatible to the 3.0 release of the workbench. Related to that and recommended is to […]

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