
JVM memory settings for Railo (and Adobe ColdFusion) on Tomcat

by kai 30/12/2013

This is the first post of a loosely connected series about JVM settings (some of them related to memory, some others not). I got kind of inspired by a series of discussion threads on various CFML-related lists sitting in my inbox for a while now (because I felt the urge to comment on them — […]

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.NET Framework when installing Railo with IIS

by kai 01/04/2013

The other day I helped a client to install Railo 4 with IIS 7.5 on a Windows server. Their problem was that the Railo installer seemed to have worked fine (as Railo itself worked without any issues on the internal webserver port), but the IIS connection didn’t have to be setup at all. A short […]

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2DDU (2 developers down under) podcast episode 25: Kris Korsmo and IDEs

by kai 11/09/2012

This is just a quick note to let everyone know that Mark and I have recorded and published episode 25 of the “2 developers down under” – 2DDU – podcast the other day. We’ve been talking to Kris Korsmo about IDEs. Kris is another of our cf.Objective(ANZ) speakers and he’s got a web development career […]

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Adobe Connect 8 SSL – Certificate Signing Request for multiple domains

by kai 10/09/2012

This is part 3 of a mini-series of posts about Adobe Connect 8 and SSL. It actually was never intended to be a series of posts, it just grew into one – kind of organically. In the last post I explained how one can create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for Adobe Connect 8 SSL […]

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Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for Adobe Connect

by kai 26/08/2012

The other day, I wrote about setting up stunnel for Adobe Connect. When I did the SSL setup for the client I was working with on that occasion, we also had to get the SSL certificate created. The Adobe Connect installation of the client is entirely internal and not used outside their organisation. The way […]

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How to fix arbitrary error when mounting Windows drives via Samba in OSX

by kai 14/07/2010

Sometimes though unmounting the share/drive in Finder leads to a weird scenario that it unmounts fine but when I try again to mount the same or a different drive via Samba, I get a totally arbitrary error message saying nothing but “please check the IP address, bla bla bla”. Obviously the IP address is fine, rebooting the VM doesn’t help either.

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Commit notification for SVN on Windows

by kai 25/04/2010

A good SVN notification system on Windows…

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Unhandled exception in FormDesigner.exe – Excuse me?

by kai 16/04/2010

I wanted to use an installation of LC Designer ES 8.2 on a Win XP SP 2 VM (typical training or “I just need to quickly edit a form” setup for me). Said installation always worked fine and I never had any issues with it before. Firing it up today left me ending up with an “unhandled expection in FormDesigner.exe” and the option to debug the issue in VisualStudio.

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Disabling CTRL+ALT+DEL to login in Win 2k3 server

by kai 29/01/2010

Args, this is one of those “note to myself” posts. Today I was looking (for the n-th time) for the local policy setting to switch of the necessity that a user has to press CTRL+ALT+DEL to login in a Win 2k3 server. It’s particularly annoying as I’m running one for development purposes in a VM and I’m forced to use the VMWare Fusion menu to simulate the key stroke.

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Accessing the console session on Windows Terminal Services from OS X

by kai 23/03/2009

This is a sort of note-for-myself post. Just today I needed to use Remote Desktop to jump onto a Windows 2003 Server of a client. Only problem – all the client licenses were blocked and I couldn’t get in. Out of office hours. Grrr. Solution: use the console session (session 0). By the way – […]

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