Birthday presents of an average surfin’ marketing consultant

by kai on 30/03/2005

My co-worker Michael who is hooked into the marketing recently blogged about all the virtual birthday gifts he received for his last birthday. He received a lot of vouchers (Amazon UK and US – nothing from the greedy German branch), Payback (the German fly buys), foto development companies, cellphone operators etc… At all – most of it is bullshit – but isn’t it scaring how much THEY know about you 🙂

Sarah Hewitt July 2, 2007 at 12:00 am

I found your Site “BLOG IN BLACK” ( while doing some research on gifts and gift ideas and was thoroughly impressed by it. The way you have presented the information is very pleasing and actually inspirational.

We have a similar gifts related website that focuses on creating and sharing gift ideas as well as sending gifts.

We would be thrilled if you have a look at our site and suggest any improvements as we really appreciate the site you have made.
Also, we request you to give us a link to our site ( from a relevant page on your site.

We feel that linking to us will add a more interesting feature to your Web site and enhance your visitors’ experience, especially during this holiday season.

Looking forward to your response

Sarah Hewitt

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