more webDU 2006: 1/2 workshop on CF and Java

by kai on 16/01/2006

Flights and accomodation is booked. The ZeroOne gang-of-three is going to be in Sydney from Tuesday Feb,28 to Sunday Mar,5. The days are pretty packed with a lot of work and some entertainment 🙂 and as a little teaser I can promise you some spectacular insights into the “new” Adobe over there in Sydney…

I’m going to do another session at webDU. I’ll provide a 1/2 workshop on Java for CF developers together with my colleague Max Nyman on March 1st, that’s the so called day 0 of webDU. Seats for this workshop are limited, if you’re interested in participating, check the webDU sitefor more details.

Gareth Edwards January 17, 2006 at 12:00 am

I’m interested in what you will cover in the Java for CF Developers workshop.? I have some experiance in the java / coldfusion integration? Is this workshop for people who haven’t already done it? or for people who want to learn more and see what other people are doing?


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