Agent K and the rest of the world

Tmux plugin for IntelliJ

by kai 13/10/2012

This is really cool. Mark Mandel has recently started hacking on a very basic Tmux plugin for IntelliJ and it’s since then become a bit of our pet project for dabbling with IntellJ plugin development. No idea what Tmux is? It’s essentially a Terminal multiplexer. Extremely useful if you like working in a shell/terminal window […]

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2DDU (2 developers down under) podcast episode 26: Marcin and Phil

by kai 13/10/2012

The other day, Mark and I recorded another episode of our 2DDU podcast. This time we’re being joined by Marcin Szczepanski and Phil Haeusler. Right at the start Mark proves again that he has no clue how to pronounce non-Australian last names correctly (he’s got a history there…:-) We’ve had a very nice chat with the two chaps […]

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2DDU (2 developers down under) podcast episode 25: Kris Korsmo and IDEs

by kai 11/09/2012

This is just a quick note to let everyone know that Mark and I have recorded and published episode 25 of the “2 developers down under” – 2DDU – podcast the other day. We’ve been talking to Kris Korsmo about IDEs. Kris is another of our cf.Objective(ANZ) speakers and he’s got a web development career […]

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Why I might not come to CFCamp :-(

by kai 10/09/2012

About 1 month ago, I posted about CFCamp in Germany. Along with praising the efforts of Michi Hnat, the main organiser of CFCamp, I also said that I was going to attend, present at CFCamp and run workshops during the event’s CFAcademy. One might wonder why I’m now considering not going. Basically it comes down […]

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Adobe Connect 8 SSL – Certificate Signing Request for multiple domains

by kai 10/09/2012

This is part 3 of a mini-series of posts about Adobe Connect 8 and SSL. It actually was never intended to be a series of posts, it just grew into one – kind of organically. In the last post I explained how one can create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for Adobe Connect 8 SSL […]

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Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for Adobe Connect

by kai 26/08/2012

The other day, I wrote about setting up stunnel for Adobe Connect. When I did the SSL setup for the client I was working with on that occasion, we also had to get the SSL certificate created. The Adobe Connect installation of the client is entirely internal and not used outside their organisation. The way […]

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Kai’s other blog: Kais bewegtes Web

by kai 23/08/2012

I’m actually not sure who and how many of you reading this and following Blog in Black can read German, but I’ve been told Google Translate is doing a reasonably nice job nowadays when it comes to automated translations. I’ve got another (German only) blog: Kais bewegtes Web. It’s part of the Heise Developer channel; […]

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2DDU (2 developers down under) podcast episode 24: group chat

by kai 22/08/2012

Mark and I are on a roll. Episode 24 of our 2DDU (2 developers down under) podcast is live. Yesterday morning we spent about 50 minutes talking to Andrew Mercer, Justin McLean and Richard Turner-Jones about various technology and development topics. All three of them are speakers at cf.Objective(ANZ) in November and we interviewed them […]

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Adobe Connect 8 SSL – getting stunnel up and running

by kai 22/08/2012

Today I was helping a client to setup proper SSL handling for their Adobe Connect 8 instance. Essentially all they wanted to do was to secure the Adobe Connect web admin with SSL and https; the actual Flash Media Server-based meeting server and its RTMP communication wasn’t going to be secured at this stage. The […]

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2DDU (2 developers down under) podcast episode 23 is live

by kai 16/08/2012

Mark Mandel and I have recorded episode 23 of the 2DDU (2 developers down under) podcast this morning. It’s now live on our podcast website for listening or download. Topics we covered this time: (J)Ruby, NodeJS, Sean Corfield’s upcoming visit to Australia, my first experiences trying to compile Railo 4 and our upcoming trips to […]

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