I’m a Macromedia Master Instructor

by kai 12/10/2005

I haven’t been blogging for a while, sorry for that. The reason is basically that there are a lot of things happening in my life right now, that keep me really busy. I’m going to write about that in depth pretty soon – so keep reading 😉 Nevertheless, there’s one thing I’d like to post […]

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Pseudo static variables in Flash/Flex

by kai 13/09/2005

The other day I was running into an odd issue. I’ve developed a Flex component and inherited two other components from this parent component. In the parent component I’ve defined a private variable inside of an mx:Script block: private var myDataArray = new Array(); Additionally the parent component offered a private function to push objects […]

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How to convince people of CFEclipse

by kai 08/09/2005

Some people asked me how I convinced the guys mentioned in this post to switch over to Eclipse. It was not that hard, let me quickly explain why: 1. Both don’t like Dreamweaver as a coding tool, so both were on Homesite+ 2. Both were annoyed that Homesite+ doesn’t support all the cool features of […]

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Conversion to CFEclipse

by kai 08/09/2005

Converted two more people in the office today to kick away CFStudio or Homesite and to work with Eclipse 3.1, CFEclipse 1.2, Quantum DB and the Eclipse web standard tools. Took them 2-3 hours to get used to it but now they’re pretty happy. The only flaw they’re moaning about is that the editor doesn’t […]

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Wanted: Pre-selected tree node in Flash forms CFTREE

by kai 07/09/2005

I’m going mad with this. Do you know this situation – you wanna do something very simple and it turns out to be the most ugly and head-banging issue for a while… For me it’s how to preselect a tree node in a Flash forms CFTREE. It doesn’t seem to be possible with the “offical” […]

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Flex, Eclipse and the Eclipse Web Tools Platform

by kai 31/08/2005

In one of my last posts I told you about some issue with OxygenXML and Eclipse 3.1 when doing Flex development. Luckily, Darron Schall just blogged about his efforts to use the Eclipse Web Tools Platform for Flex development and seemed to be pretty satisfied with it. I gave it a try today and I’d […]

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Another one on German election

by kai 29/08/2005

My work-mate Michael posted a pretty detailled review of the website of the German major parties in his blog. Very entertaining to read, but just available in German…

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Visualization of Amdahls Law II: Flex app

by kai 28/08/2005

Following my last two posts, here’s the final Flex app. If it takes a while to load and to start the reason is most probably not your line or Flex, it’s more or less because of my pretty slow server. Well, comparing to yesterday’s screenshot, I changed a few things in the UI, applied a […]

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Visualization of Amdahls Law in Flex

by kai 28/08/2005

Tonight, I’ve been slightly bored by no friends available, wife off for work over the weekend, lousy TV programme and dumb weather 😉 So, following my last post on why CF developers should care about Java stuff, I built a simple Flex app to visualize Amdahls Law. Here’s a screenshot, I just have to make […]

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Java (and CF) garbage collection: Why should you care?

by kai 27/08/2005

Just recently I was asked why one should care about JVM tuning, garbage collection and other “very low-level settings” (the latter from the point of view of the average CF developer). I mean, I’m talking and writing about that pretty often… so – a reasonable question. Let me give you an example with figures… Let’s […]

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