MXDU: Day 0

by kai 17/02/2005

Day 0 of MXDU 2005 is over and it was quite entertaining. I met Geoff Bowers in the early morning at Star City to help him setting up the room for Grant Skinners workshop on Action Script OO. Aber going to bed again for a while, Diane and I decided to stroll around the city […]

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CFUG Swiss: Ben Forta via Breeze

by kai 16/02/2005

The guys from CFUG Swiss are going to have Ben Forta visit them on Thursday, Feb 18, 6:30pm to 10pm (GST +1). Topic is – obviously – Blackstone or the so called CFMX 7 (I personally prefer to call it Blackstone – always wondering why Macromedia don’t keep their cool internal code names for the […]

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MXDU 2005: Sydney pre-conference

by kai 15/02/2005

Yesterday we arrived in Sydney and we were greeted with wonderful weather. Sunshine, blue sky and high temperatures are the things I really needed. Today we strolled around Darling Harbour, Chinatown and the CBD for a while. After returning to Star City I noticed that there is an open WiFi hotspot near the hotel which […]

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AgentK @ CFUG WA

by kai 09/02/2005

Hello from Down Under. After arriving in Perth on early monday morning I was due to meet the guys from CFUG West Australia on monday night to attend their monthly meeting. In my impression it was great fun and we had a very interesting discussion on architectures, frameworks and ColdFusions Java-based internal architecture. I’ve been […]

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Installing Flex 1.5 on Suse Linux 9

by kai 26/01/2005

I’ve got a linux box running at an ISP for my testing, lab and fun projects. After receiving the Flex non-commercial license several days ago I installed it over the weekend and – be surprised or not – it went quite smoothly. As I never installed it on Linux before, I’m very happy about that […]

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3G phones / Flash Lite

by kai 25/01/2005

Just some days ago Macromedia announced Samsung taking over the Flash Lite 1.1 technology for their mobile handsets. That’s good news for people being interested in developing Flash Lite apps for cellphones and it will be interesting to observe if – and which – other companys will follow. Well, Samsung isn’t the top mobile brand […]

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Flex non-commercial license

by kai 12/01/2005

Yoohoo, I got my Flex non-commercial license finally. It has been in the mail already yesterday but I wasn’t at home when UPS tried to deliver it. So it arrived today in the office where I will pick it up later that week as was there today and won’t be in there tomorrow. I already […]

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Parsing text input with a LL(k)-parser

by kai 12/01/2005

This is going to be the month of the weird ideas 😉 After writing all the stuff on product selection and recommendation, I’m now thinking about parsing form input with a LL(k)-parser (generated by JavaCC for example) to notice if people try to fill code into a form instead of “text content”. The idea came […]

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Product recommendation III

by kai 11/01/2005

Finally, here’s a .zip-file containing the components, example files with CFC method calls and a MySQL-database script. Download Further explanation and documentation is in the extended entry.The database consists of five tables: cart: CAR_ID is the PK CAR_CUS_ID is a FK and refers to a customer customer: CUS_ID is the customer ID and PK […]

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MXDU 2005 approaching…

by kai 10/01/2005

This is awesome, I just got an email from Geoff Bowers sending around a bunch of Flash banners for MXDU 2005. This year the theme is all about superheros – seems that “The incredibles” are in the cinemas in Australia already and that they’re going to take a short break Feb 17-18 to visit the […]

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