Cabir worm pretends to be Flash Lite…

by kai 10/01/2005

If you own a Symbian cellphone and if you’re interested in Macromedias Flash Lite player, watch out! There is a .SIS-file around (the Symbian installer format) which pretends to be the Flash Lite player but which contains the Cabir worm for Symbian… This is ugly, so be careful. Obviously Macromedia don’t ship that worm in […]

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Product Recommendation II

by kai 06/01/2005

Jim commented my entry on product recommendation that he’d like to get some more details about the “mystic math” behind the approach. Ok, I’ll do my best to deliver it a little bit more in depth…meanwhile the CFC are done also and I’ll post them in one of the next entries tomorrow.So, let’s assume a […]

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Flashinthecan 2005: I’ll be there!

by kai 03/01/2005

Flashinthecan 2004 in Toronto was a great conference, so I’m very happy that I’ve been selected to present at this year’s conference in early April. Toronto is a great city and with FITC being a “creative” and “designer” conference, you’d end up with a totally different group of people over there (at least from my […]

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Product recommendation

by kai 03/01/2005

During the holidays I read an interesting article on product recommendation systems for online shops. To be more precise, it was on the theory behind the algorithms and approaches used to filter the product set of an online shop to show the customer the products which might be worth having another look. If you ever […]

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SiAr – a simple ColdFusion architecture

by kai 27/12/2004

A while ago I wrote an entry on architectures and the MVC design pattern and announced the release of a very basic architecture for ColdFusion web applications. A reason for this is that I found a lot of people (customers, fellow developers and web designers) still don’t care about the architecture of an application and […]

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by marcus 14/12/2004

You know that directory? Ever seen it? Well, if so, when was the last time you had a look at it… last week? Last month? Last century? Welcome to the club ;-)We all know that problem: if a cfmail tag is called to send out an e-mail, CF puts the generated cfmail-file into the spooler. […]

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RIA “Handyfinder” again

by kai 07/12/2004

Args, there is another “Handyfinder” by a German cell phone service provider. After Vodafone, Eplus and T-Mobile also Mobilcom offers this tool… it’s a nice one, quite smooth. Personally, I don’t like the embedding in the webpage, even on my 1280×1024 screen I have to scroll all the time and that’s annoying from my perspective. […]

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IBM to develop Laszlo Eclipse plugin

by kai 30/11/2004

Via IBM is going to develop an Eclipse plugin for Laszlo Presentation Server. The plugin is available on IBM Alphaworks. I’m really wondering about that as IBM intended to develop a Flex plugin for their WebSphere studio which had been stopped some while ago. Maybe the reason is that Laszlo went open-source, with IBM […]

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Swiss Flash blog: Flashot

by kai 29/11/2004

Some swiss guys started another weblog on Flash. In fact the term “another” is misleading as it is the first swiss weblog. So far it seems to become very interesting. They blog in German or “Schwitzerdütsch” (how do I have to spell this one, guys ?) Have fun and welcome to the blog-o-sphere!

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4 CF/Flash/Flex articles online (in German)

by kai 29/11/2004

I just found out that the Internet Professionell, a German print magazine, I used to publish in on several occasions, put some of my articles online. I wasn’t aware of this and just stumbled over them more or less accidentally. They are all just available in German, sorry. There are four of them: Der Java-Faktor […]

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