ActionScript 2 plugin V 0.0.5

by kai 29/11/2004

This is some days old already, but to mention nevertheless. Peter Schreiber released a new version of the brand-new AS 2 plugin for Eclipse. It should offer a much better code completion now so that it’s worth the upgrade. Available on Sourceforge!

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FarCry video tutorials available

by kai 29/11/2004

Jeff Coughlin made available two video tutorials on FarCry. They are intended to get watched by beginners, but Jeff announced some more to follow if there is a good feedback on the first two. The files are available on his website.

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Geoff Bowers on FarCry

by kai 29/11/2004

Friday last week Geoff Bowers presented on FarCry for the AsiaPac Macromedia community via Breeze. The recording of the preso is available now and it’s worth the nearly 2 hours of time if you’re looking for a content management solution. Hey, it’s even worth watching if you’re not currently looking for such a system.

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This must be paradise

by kai 22/11/2004

Folks, do you know about that one: Classic Gaming Expo 2005 ???? Wow, this must be the paradise conference, I’d love to go there! Anyone out there in the SF area to join me??? And yes – I’ll be back on topic later this week 😉

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Blue Dragon hosting

by kai 15/11/2004

CFMX Ltd. offers Blue Dragon hosting now additionally to their CF 4.5 / MX services. It’s a very interesting offer as the fees are quite low and that there is no setup fee until end of 2004. Nils also offers a 4-weeks-try-and-buy-setup for Blue Dragon – if you don’t like it, you don’t have to […]

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Sony Ericsson V800 first 3G phone to support Flash Lite 1.1?

by kai 14/11/2004

Today I noticed that SonyEricssons V800 (a 3G/UMTS phone) should have the Flash Lite 1.1 player pre-installed. I read about it in Bill Perrys blog and he got it from a Macromedia employee. I’d be more than glad it this comes true, but there is a drawback I doubt about this fact…The V800 is published […]

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MX Europe 2005 cancelled

by kai 14/11/2004

It’s a shame, MX Europe 2005 has been cancelled as to read on their website. The core issue is the lack of sponsors, which is easy to see if you have a look on the sponsoring companies on the right side of the page: Prismix and Interakt. Thanks for their support! I don’t want to […]

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Flex academic

by kai 10/11/2004

It’s interesting… after Stevens “word is out” posting on, I looked around a bit to get an impression about the Flex “scene” in Germany. And guess what: It’s still quite but there are some things changing and moving slightly. Following myself, I’m much more motivated with Flex 1.5 now – not that Flex 1.0 […]

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How to get the Flash Lite 1.1 player

by kai 10/11/2004

On Bill Perry explains how to get a copy of the new Flash Lite 1.1 player. Watch out for it, as during the next day we’ll post some tiny stuff for it here…;)

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MAX 2004: Keynote videos online

by kai 10/11/2004

The videos of Tuesdays and Wedneydays keynotes are online on the MAX 2004 site. Have fun watching them. If you don’t have the time to watch all, I stongly recommend the opening video of Day One, Kevin Lynchs Flash Evolution Talk on Day One, Ben and Tim presenting Blackstone and Mike Downey presenting some things […]

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