MX Day, October 1st in Stuttgart

by kai 09/10/2004

On Oct 1st, Macromedia UK invited web developers to join the first German MX Days – which is intended to grow into a series and take place several times a year. The Stuttgart event itself was a nice one, Macromedia announced Kevin Lynch and Tim Buntel during the beginning of their event marketing phase, but […]

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News from Xamlon…

by kai 06/10/2004

October 2004 seems to become the most interesting month for all available and expected XML-based rich client technologies: Kudos to Artur for this in flex-discussion… Xamlon provides Xamlon Professional 1.0 now, a tool which supprts Microsofts XAML already now to build Windows applications. I didn’t dig into it further up to now, but they promise […]

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by kai 06/10/2004

Laszlo systems announced that their rich internet server LPS is going to be open source from now on. As they announced it on October, 4th, it’s interesting to notice how things might be connected with the non-commercial license of Flex. A lot of people blogged about this over the last two days already, so I […]

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Flex Non-Commercial License

by kai 05/10/2004

This is great! Macromedia finally did it and just announced a Flex Non-Commercial/Non-institutional deployment license! Quick highlights: – if you intend to use Flex in a non-commercial and non-institutional manner like for educational purposes, community web pages, weblogs, students at schools and universities – you might qualify for this license – you’ll get a package […]

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MX Magazin 6

by kai 05/10/2004

October 6th is going to be the release date of Germanys MX Magazin no. 6. This one will be the last one with Stefan D’Amore as publisher and editor in chief. With the next issue, MX Magazin is published by the Software & Support Verlag and Stefan will be in a counselling role from then […]

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Agent M on CF performance tuning

by kai 05/10/2004

Yesterday Marcus gave a session on CF performance tuning. If you missed it – or got dropped out near the end due some technical issues, here’s the preso as a Flashpaper: A PDF file is available here

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One more day for the CF_Underground VI Early Bird registration

by kai 29/09/2004

Take one of the last chances to register yourself for CF_Underground VI for just 69 US$. This early bird rate is just valid until tomorrow, after tomorrow the rate increases to 99 US$. The conference will be on October, 31st 2004 – the day before the MAX 2004 pre-conference day. Location is the Pan American […]

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A special for Alex…

by kai 29/09/2004

Couldn’t resist… Alex is a pug lover 😉 and as I watched the most recent series of German “Popstars” tonight I found this. It’s a photography of my TV screen captured with the cam of my cell phone. This quiz question to win is: What type of dog is this? a) St Bernard b) pug […]

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Do you need a job in the Munich area?

by kai 28/09/2004

A friend of mine working for a MM-related web development company asked me to post this. They are looking for an experienced and well-performing web developer for highend and complex CF and J2EE projects. They’d like to hire someone permanently and are located in the near Munich area. I post this at this place because […]

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New Orleans, we’re coming

by kai 27/09/2004

As I posted already for several occasions, I’m going to visit MAX 2004 in New Orleans in early November. New is: my wife joins me for the trip to do some sightseeing around New Orleans and my weird colleague Alex – the crazy guy who’s blogging on – will also be there. His plans […]

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