Breezo: ColdFusion Performance Tuning

by kai 24/09/2004

The famous Agent M of Blog in Black 😉 (aka Marcus Raphelt) is going to host a Breeze talk on ColdFusion Application Performance Tuning on Oktober, 4th 2004. Start is at 4 p.m. German time, that should be 10 a.m. on Americas east coast, 7 a.m. west coast and something around midnight in Australia (sorry […]

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Certified Flex Instructor

by kai 24/09/2004

I’m a Macromedia Certified Flex Instructor now. After working with the class materials – by the way: the class is called “Developing Rich Internet Applications with Macromedia Flex” and it’s a 3-day class – I’m very happy with it. It’s a great course and it will give the students a brilliant introduction into Flex development […]

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Airport chaos

by kai 24/09/2004

During the last days I was on the road to deliver a ACFD class at a customer in Hamburg and after that I went down to Zurich and Munich to speak about Flex during the LogOn InfoDays Java. Fine so far, the audience seemed to be really interested in the technology and I got the […]

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Richard Stallman on software patents

by kai 24/09/2004

Maybe someone is interested in this: On Sep 28, 2004, Richard Stallmann is visiting the University of Essen (central in Germanys wonderful Rhine-Ruhr-Area) to talk about software patents: The agenda for the night is: 17:30 – 18:15 Uhr The impact of software patents on the IT world (Dr. Peter Gerwinski) 18:15 – 19:00 Uhr The […]

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Critical CF and JRun security issue

by kai 24/09/2004

Macromedia recently released two security warnings regarding CF and JRun. Running them in combination with Microsofts IIS using the IIS connector it might be possible to view and spy the source code of not Macromedia related third party files: Description and patch files for CFMX: MPSB04-09 – Cumulative Security Patch available for ColdFusion MX Description […]

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Codename Beefy

by kai 24/09/2004

Codename “Beefy” is a new blog in the German somehow-Macromedia-related weblog family. It’s maintained by Alex Riemer, a totally weird guy who’s working for msg at.NET also. Check it out if you’re able to read German…

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German MX Magazin got a new publisher

by kai 20/09/2004

The wonderful and best-ever German MX Magazin got a new publisher. Stefan D’Amores publication will be published by the Software & Support Verlag, which already owns seven German mags around the IT and developers world dealing with different languages and technologies from .NET over Java up to PHP. Stefan stays in the editorial team for […]

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CF/JRun Java VM monitoring

by kai 18/09/2004

Inspired by Geoffs posting “Maximum JVM heap size for CFMX” I’ll played a bit more intense with JVMStat, a tiny tool provided by Sun with the purpose of monitoring your JVM and its garbace collection. It’s really amazing what it is able to show you about the internal status of your JVM. This is very […]

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T-Mobile and Flash Lite – it’s there!

by kai 17/09/2004

T-Mobile UK started a news push service called News Express. The interesting fact about that is that it’s based on the FlashLite player for Symbian cell phones like the Nokia 3650, 7610, 6600 etc or some other Symbian based devices. So, the software for News Express itself is free of charge, you’d have to pay […]

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MAX 2004 Birds of a feather

by kai 16/09/2004

The MAX 2004 birds of a feather session list is online. They’re some sort of informal discussion sessions after the regular conference day. Usually BoF-sessions are very deeply topic-driven and are a quite good chance to discuss with experts, MM people/developers etc.

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