Looking for certification exam beta testers

by kai 02/09/2004

The certification team of Macromedia is looking for beta testers for the new upcoming Flash MX 2004 Designer Exam. If you’re interested, you could register here and also leave your details for other beta exams. If you’re selected to join the beta, you’ll get a 40% off discount voucher for any Macromedia certification exam.

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by kai 02/09/2004

Yesterday cf-community.info went live. It’s basically a webforum about all aspects of ColdFusion and related topics and driven by Nils Bettinger, the owner of CFMX Ltd. – imho Germanys best CF hoster. The forum itself is in German and obviously not too crowded up to now, but that might change soon. Give it try, Germany […]

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Railo – another ColdFusion engine?

by kai 31/08/2004

Today I stumbled about an email in the German cfguru mailing list. Some swiss guys are on the way to release a CFML runtime compiler engine called Railo. The mailing lists postings state the it should be faster than CFMX and also Blue Dragon – but for the moment they didn’t implement all CFML tags […]

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Flex meets ColdFusion

by kai 30/08/2004

Last week I held a talk about the integration of Flex and ColdFusion at the German Macromedia Flex Partner Readiness Event in Hamburg. I put the slides online now on my website, feel free to have a look (available in German language only).

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Comments moved and Trackbacks disabled

by kai 29/08/2004

I changed some stuff relating the comments and trackback functionality. There had been some issues that comment spammers made the server crush under heavy load, so I changed the system the comments work now. Now the only way to post a comment is to use the individual entry archive page. There will be additional further […]

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ColdFusion MX 6.1 updater

by kai 26/08/2004

Macromedia published another updater for ColdFusion MX today. This time it’s the first updater for the 6.1 release. I really recommend installing the pack regarding the fact that it contains some sort of security hotfix bundle, the Jrun Updater 3 and a lot of tiny bugfixes for specific issues. Check it out! Download Release Notes […]

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Cricket without Flash ;)

by kai 24/08/2004

Yesterday I went to a great game of cricket. Well, technically it would have been one… Pakistan, India and Australia play a one-day tournament in Holland as some sort of preparation for the ICC Champions Trophy in England in September 2004. Yesterday, Australia was up to play India in Amstelveen (which is neer Amsterdam which […]

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jessionid and server.id

by kai 24/08/2004

An interesting detail: if you’re dealing with ColdFusion clustering on J2EE servers, the file connector.properties in the …\servers\cfusion\SERVER-INF folder containts a property called server.id. This property stores the four first characters of the automatically created JESSIONID values for ColdFusions session handling. For example if the server.id is set to abcd, all your JESSIONIDs on that […]

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Ben Forta in Cologne – Registration Link

by kai 24/08/2004

In this entry I announce that Ben Forta will be in Cologne on September, 8th. Here’s the registration link now…

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Must-have iPod Software

by kai 19/08/2004

Two days ago I attached my iPod (3rd Generation) to an amplifier and to my car. I wondered about the fact it was very difficult to get it to play music loud, I had to pull up the volume of the device and the amplifier dramatically.Strange…Hmmm…today I found the solution. Apple limited the possible volume […]

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