
Tmux plugin for IntelliJ

by kai 13/10/2012

This is really cool. Mark Mandel has recently started hacking on a very basic Tmux plugin for IntelliJ and it’s since then become a bit of our pet project for dabbling with IntellJ plugin development. No idea what Tmux is? It’s essentially a Terminal multiplexer. Extremely useful if you like working in a shell/terminal window […]

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Hail the AHT (Apple Hardware Test)

by kai 28/02/2012

Yesterday afternoon I all of a sudden started to get GSODs (Grey Screen Of Death) – the equivalent of the Windows Blue Screen of Death. Not good – actually those were my first serious crashes on this particular machine ever (which is about 2.5 years old). I went through the usual diagnostics, OSX permissions and […]

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Getting into Clojure (and other stuff)

by kai 07/01/2012

With the recent changes at Adobe I was more and more thinking that I need to further diversify what I’m doing. That was already happening in 2010 and 2011 quite a lot – client demand for Flash and Flex solutions decreased (and still is decreasing) and we found ourselves doing more and more Javascript-based applications. […]

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Creative Suite CS 5.5 doesn’t activate?

by kai 19/12/2011

All of a sudden my Creative Suite CS 5.5 license on my Mac didn’t activate anymore. Quite annoying when you’re sort of relying on it as the tools of your trade. Dealing with Adobe’s first level support came quite close to the most useless 3-4 hours of my life, but finally there was a solution.

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Some thoughts on Java, OS X, Eclipse and others

by kai 26/10/2010

Somewhere deeply hidden in the release notes of the recent Java for Mac OS X update, our friends from Apple have announced that they deprecated the Java runtime for Mac OS X and that “developers should not rely on the Apple-supplied Java runtime being present in future versions of Mac OS X”.

Read that as: Mac OS X 10.7 won’t have Java (by Apple), maybe we’re lucky and get the 10.6 update 3 thrown into OS X 10.7, but maybe not. To be fair – Apple was never a big and fast supporter of Java on OS X, for them to release Java 6 and 64-bit versions of the runtime was apparently a major drama so that a lot of Java developers on the Mac at some time just switched to SoyLatte, a FreeBSD port of Java 6. That worked and still works fine for a lot of server applications such as Tomcat.

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My new desk: awesome laptop and monitor stands for Macbook Pro

by kai 16/07/2010

Well, it’s technically not a new desk, but rather a new desk/workstation layout. Thomas from World Sweet World, a friend of mine, is very talented when it comes to crafts, working with wood, renovating and building furniture and so much more. About three years ago, I saw an awesome laptop stand for his MacBook Pro in his office and I wanted one. As it usually happens – he didn’t have the time to make me one at the time, we forgot about it etc. 🙂

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How to fix arbitrary error when mounting Windows drives via Samba in OSX

by kai 14/07/2010

Sometimes though unmounting the share/drive in Finder leads to a weird scenario that it unmounts fine but when I try again to mount the same or a different drive via Samba, I get a totally arbitrary error message saying nothing but “please check the IP address, bla bla bla”. Obviously the IP address is fine, rebooting the VM doesn’t help either.

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Disabling CTRL+ALT+DEL to login in Win 2k3 server

by kai 29/01/2010

Args, this is one of those “note to myself” posts. Today I was looking (for the n-th time) for the local policy setting to switch of the necessity that a user has to press CTRL+ALT+DEL to login in a Win 2k3 server. It’s particularly annoying as I’m running one for development purposes in a VM and I’m forced to use the VMWare Fusion menu to simulate the key stroke.

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OS X quick look for Flex

by kai 23/01/2010

A few days ago I posted about using qlcolorcode to display syntax highlighted ColdFusion code in Mac OS X’s Finder’s quick look. Now – I had a bit of a look into how to use/extend the same plugin for displaying Action Script and MXML code as well.

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OS X quick look for ColdFusion

by kai 19/01/2010

I recently had to quickly glance over a whole lot of legacy CF files and I didn’t want to have to open each individual file in my preferred IDE. OS X supports quick look by hitting the space bar in finder for a lot of file types, ColdFusion wasn’t supported so far.

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