Agent M on CF performance tuning

by kai on 05/10/2004

Yesterday Marcus gave a session on CF performance tuning. If you missed it – or got dropped out near the end due some technical issues, here’s the preso as a Flashpaper:

A PDF file is available here

Alan October 5, 2004 at 12:00 am

Interesting presentation and many of your assertions will indeed result in a performance gain in both CFMX and BlueDragon. Some of them however, won’t. They are optimized already under the covers for you.

Interested in seeing your super-cache custom tag. You may find the new CFCACHECONTENT tag in BlueDragon very interesting, which is pretty much what your custom tag does, but with a lot more features.

Erki Esken October 5, 2004 at 12:00 am

This FlashPaper is broken in Opera 7.5. It seems you forgot the protocol part in embed src:

marcus October 5, 2004 at 12:00 am

@Alan: indeed, some of the techniques I presented work best in CF *prior* to MX, but most of them work fine in all environments.

BTW: I’m not the creator of the supercache tag – it’s just one of my favourite ways to speed up applications. If you understand german, have a look at an earlier bloginblack-article I wrote on this… here we go

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