Big news!

by kai on 17/10/2005

Good news everybody! Today is one of the top 5 days in my life! And I want you to share this with me, so here are the big good news: Today my wife and I have been granted with the permanent residency for New Zealand. We’re just staying in the US for MAX 2005 and we’ve got hit and a bit surprised by the email we’ve got from our immigration consultant down in Auckland. This is SOOOOO COOL!

There’s a pretty long story to tell about that and I’ve become an expert in NZ immigration law as well during the last months, but I don’t have the time to explain all that right now.

Additionally there are a bunch of consequences related with this news – in terms of working, blogging, living – for example that we’re going to move to NZ and some more stuff – I’m going to report about that pretty soon, believe me!

Again: This is SOOOO cool!!!

Sean Corfield October 17, 2005 at 12:00 am

Congratulations! I know how difficult dealing with immigration authorities can be 🙂

Andrea Classen October 17, 2005 at 12:00 am

That is great! I’m happy for you. Well, bad for us …

Christian October 17, 2005 at 12:00 am

Meine Glückwünsche, Kai.

Hast du noch mal Zeit für mich? Wir werden nämlich am 14. Dezember nach Neuseeland fliegen und wir könnten noch gute Tipps von “Einheimischen” gebrauchen 😉


Chris October 17, 2005 at 12:00 am

Finally! ;-))

Congratulations to both of you! I still hope you can make it here for a visit in April! 😉

Artur October 17, 2005 at 12:00 am

Wow! That’s realy COOL! Congrats Kai. So hope you have great time down under and will not forgot us here in old europe 😉

Regina October 17, 2005 at 12:00 am

Kai, herzlichen Glückwunsch! Und alles Gute bei den Kiwis 😉

Jack London October 17, 2005 at 12:00 am

I do not know whether this is a good news for German community or not but I wish really good luck in your new life in NZ!

And I really wonder why NZ? Why not USA, Canada or even Australia?

Martin Orth October 18, 2005 at 12:00 am

Congratulations! I hope you make it there. Will you stay in the coldfusion and flex business?

Mark Stanton October 21, 2005 at 12:00 am

Congratulations mate – make sure you pop over to Oz more often now.


Andrew Jarvis October 25, 2005 at 12:00 am

That’s very exciting news Kai. Herzlichen Glückwünsch! I hope you enjoyed your stay with us at the Blackcaps and wish you all the best for your adventure in new Zealand! Cricket is life! 😉


Andrew Jarvis.
Captain DSC Blackcaps 1st XI

oldman roth November 9, 2005 at 12:00 am

Viel Glück und Erfolg Euch beiden down unter. Ihr erfüllt Euch den Traum welchen ich vor knapp 40 Jahren mal ganz feste träumte. War auch schon fast Insider.
Gudrun und Paul und the Kid`s

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