webDU day 0

by kai on 01/03/2006

Well, day 0 is over. Max and I were delivering our 1/2 day workshop on ColdFusion and Java this afternoon and it went pretty well from my point of view. I will probably post a bunch of information here later that week. Max and I showed some really good examples and we talked about some ideas we had and we were developing together with our colleague Marty back in Wellington. Let’s say – people were surprised and you might be as well soon.

We’ve been to the trans-transman user group meeting earlier tonight, which was a good fun. Besides having a drink and chatting to a lot of people I know, I learned that there seems to have been a job posting on adobe.com which pointed more or less clearly to the existence or the planning of building a Flash player for mobile devices supporting Flex apps. Interesting!

The rest of the night: two more pints of beer, some interesting chats and meeting a lot of people I’ve really missed meeting during the last year. It’s so good to be back at THE Down Under Conference and seeing all of you guys, especially since everybody seemed to know about our move to New Zealand and asked how it worked so far etc. That’s just great, cheers for following up with what I’m doing! Thanks mates, I’m really deeply impressed!

Now – Max is watching poker on TV (which is insane, believe me 🙂 and I’m heading to my bed soon. See you tomorrow down at the conference floor for the keynote!

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