Wellington Adobe meetups successfully moved – what’s on in August and September?

by kai on 07/08/2012

Just a quick update that both Wellington-based (this is Wellington in New Zealand, in case anyone wonders) Adobe meetups have now finally moved away from the Adobe groups site and various Google groups (the old Flex/Flash Platform Group) and are now consolidated on meetup.com:

Creative Suite User Group Wellington and Wellington Adobe Web Technology Meetup

The main reason why we moved off Adobe Groups and onto meetup.com was that it allows us to capture a very different and much broader audience. The fact that Adobe Groups still lacks a lot when it comes to user experience (that is years after its inception) on the surface didn’t help (the user experience is even more clunky for administrating content in there). Meetup.com however is a breeze – at this stage I’m more than happy to pay for the pleasure of using them.

Anyway – as all this is being done there and Diane has settled in on meetup.com with the Creative Suite User Group now as well, here are some upcoming events for you:

  1. Thumbnailed – on Thursday, 9 August 2012, our friends at Natcoll Design School are holding their annual student design competition. Essentially it’s about coming up with a design in ten (10!!!) minutes after having been given an inspirational word and an image to work with. It’s kind of like speed dating, but actually creating a design. Does that make any sense? 🙂 Anyway – it’s very good fun and you should attend as it’s a perfect long lunch break starting at 11:45am and finishing at around 1:30pm.
  2. A night with Richard & friendsor: Adobe #CS6Rocks Preview” – on Monday, 13 August 2012, both meetups hold a shared event with Richard Turner-Jones, Earl Tipene and Jon Barrie from Adobe Australia/New Zealand. They’ll give you an idea of what’s possible with CS6 and you’ll have the opportunity to ask them all the questions you want in a reasonably private atmosphere (at least compared to the 200ish people at the “official” Adobe roadshow on the next day…). Make sure to attend – as this is a joint event of both meet ups, it’s actually fine to RVSP for just one of them.
  3. On Monday, 10 September 2012, the Wellington Creative Suite User Group will host Wairarapa-based photographer Geoff Walker. There’s no official title of Geoff’s session yet, but knowing him I assume it’ll be about Photoshop and/or Lightroom! I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be too far off with that guess.
  4. Rumor has it that there’s going to be an Indesign session coming up in October at the Wellington Creative Suite User Group. Not announced yet, but very, very well possible and on the cards 🙂

And yes, our Adobe Web Tech meetup will have sessions in September and October too, stay tuned.

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