jQuery Mobile workshops in Germany in October 2013

by kai on 15/04/2013

While I’m going to be in Germany for CFCamp in October, I’ll be running three instances of my “Developing mobile web applications with jQuery Mobile” workshop in each Frankfurt (October 8, 2013), Cologne (October 10, 2013) and Hamburg (October 17, 2013).

The three trainings are being held in cooperation with Heise Events, the event and training arm of German’s Heise Verlag. They’re a well known publisher of various IT and general technology magazines, both print and online, and I’m a regular contributor to their iX magazine.

The version of the training that I’m going to run in Germany in October will focus on the latest developments in the jQuery Mobile framework and particularly deal with how to use the library appropriately with concepts such as responsive design and progressive enhancement. The current content will be slightly modified and adapted for that by October.

If you’re interested in booking one of the jQuery Mobile trainings, you can do so on the Heise Events site. The full price of the course is € 594,00; if you book now they’ll offer a discount of 10% so that the price comes down to € 535,00.

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