Aussies to invade New Zealand

by kai 15/07/2008

This is the funniest thing I’ve watched in the last year or so. The Gruen Transfer is an Australian TV show about advertising on ABC. They have a segment called “The Pitch” and agencies have to compete against each other to fulfil a somewhat “challenging” brief…. for example: A TV spot to advertise for an […]

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Flex User Group in Berlin: First meeting

by kai 15/07/2008

I wanted to blog this for quite a while but didn’t get to it: There’s a new Flex User Group in Berlin, Germany. I’d like to mention it here for three reasons – I’ve met Bettina Schulz, who has founded the group, just recently at the webinale conference in Karlsruhe, Germany and encouraged her to […]

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Flash-based game suite on Facebook

by kai 15/07/2008

Today I’ve met with Dan Milward for lunch. Dan owns a company here in Wellington (Instinct) that’s pretty deep in developing a game creation engine for Flash and particularly Flash Lite games. I’m pretty impressed, it’s a very nice tool and there’s an online version of it available on Facebook. I personally can see a […]

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Another one on i18n… the capital “ß”

by kai 01/07/2008

When one is talking about Unicode and i18n, usually part of any discussion is the question what exactly a character is. I’ll give you a typical example in German. Besides the well known “umlauts” (which are basically ä,ö,ü,Ä,Ö and Ü) there is one more character that usually causes some concern. The story behind the umlauts […]

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Internationalisation with CF… – slides

by kai 01/07/2008

During the last few weeks, I’ve presented a session titled “Internationalisation with CF, Java and Flex” at various conferences and meetings. To name those: Scotch on the Rocks, webDU and the June user group meeting of the ColdFusion user group Germany. The session has changed a bit from SOTR to webDU to the CFUG session […]

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A few more thoughts on Railo going OS

by kai 05/06/2008

The Railo keynote has started and I’ll take a few minutes to share a few thoughts on the open sourcing of Railo on Looking back a few months when Open BlueDragon was born, quite a few people stated their excitement that a “grown-up” CFML engine went open source. A rather large amount of people […]

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Breaking news: Railo to open source… Railo!!!!

by kai 05/06/2008

In about 5 minutes, the Swiss company Railo is going to announce the open-sourcing of their alternative ColdFusion/CFML engine Railo. Hang on, one might think – didn’t we have that just a few months ago with Open BlueDragon? Sort of, but this time the impact of the anouncement might be significantly different. The reason is, […]

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webDU 2008 Trading Card Game

by kai 30/05/2008

As you all know, webDU (formerly known as MXDU) is some sort of a special event for me. Besides the facts that it coined Diane‘s and my love for the southern hemisphere, that we’ve got married one day before MXDU 2004 (actually on the n-th birthday of Geoff “Legendary Creature” Bowers who was also my […]

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New blog in town:

by kai 30/05/2008

Some friends of mine have started a new blog on Flex, AIR and other stuff. It’s named metadudes and the first posts are worth being read!

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Public Flex 3 class in Wellington, NZ

by kai 21/04/2008

My company (Ventego Creative) is running a Flex 3 training class later in May in Wellington, NZ. You might ask yourself what’s so special about it? Well, it doesn’t happen too often that we’re doing this in New Zealand, so I thought it’s worth being mentioned. We’re offering “Flex 3: Developing Rich Client Applications” which […]

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