Charity competition at Adobe AU – Donate!

by kai 10/04/2008

I’m being “spammed” since yesterday night 🙂 Apparently my friends of at Adobe Australia are running some sort of office team building competition – for a very good cause. I don’t know all the details but it’s about the teams building web sites or applications to get a many people donating for the Fred Hollows […]

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AIR and FB3 for Linux Updates

by kai 01/04/2008

Adobe has released a new build (alpha3) of Flex Builder for Linux just recently. Also – there’s a public alpha of Adobe AIR for Linux now, awesome.

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Webby in Motion

by kai 28/03/2008

Just got this via the Adobe User Group Managers List: — Webby-in-Motion is a special collaborative contest presented by Adobe and The Webby Awards where we ask motion designers, illustrators, animators and other talented creative minds to design a 20-second category introduction animation/video for The Webby Awards Gala in NYC on June 10, 2008. Since […]

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(Un-)ethical clients? Opinions wanted!

by kai 28/03/2008

Something to think about for you guys. How do you deal with inquiries or clients that do not really stand highly regarded in your political or ethical views? It’s really hard for me to provide an example avoiding to step onto someones’s toes – but obviously there are a few things that each individual around […]

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Buzzword and Safari 3.1

by kai 27/03/2008

Just went into Buzzword with Safari 3.1 for the first time. It’s officially an unsupported browser and therefore it now triggers the “unsupported browser” page whenever I’m accessing a document – arrgs… I have the feeling it’s not a technical issue as everything seems to work fine after I’ve clicked my way through, it’s probably […]

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Photoshop in your browser

by kai 27/03/2008

Very cool – Photoshop Express is now available in public beta. Check it out, lots of fun and it also comes with 2 GB of storage space and a sharing URL (i.e. It’s obviously not as powerful as a full Photoshop installation on your machine, but it does very well for a lot of […]

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For the fellows in AsiaPacific: Adobe developer eSeminars

by kai 25/03/2008

I sincerely hope the word has spread that Adobe is currently running a huge series of online seminars (eSeminars) for designers, developers, photographers and also business folks. If not, please, please, please have a look at the overview, I’m sure you’d find those very interesting. I’d like to point you to the developer series in […]

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BVDW guidelines for good usability (in German)

by kai 25/03/2008

The BVDW (Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft) in Germany has recently published a guidelines and recommendation document on usability. I came across it because Dirk Rosenbaum, one of the former directors of msg (where I used to work back in Germany as a software architect from 2001-2005), was one of the main editors of the publication. […]

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Good use of Flash Video:

by kai 25/03/2008

Don’t blame me for being sexist please, but KnickerPicker has a very well done showcase of using Flash/FlashVideo for online product recommendation and guided shopping. If you click through to the online dressing room you can actually control/command a video-based model to show off…well…yeah…lingerie – sorry. It’s just about the technology though, really! Why I […]

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Organisations still don’t get it: Social networking and social sites are reality

by kai 24/03/2008

Sigh… just recently I’ve learned about another organisation not seeing the reality of social sites actually being useful. The story is a quick one – I’ve invited someone I know to dopplr. In case you don’t know it – it’s a site for (business) travellers to keep track of where your colleagues, friends etc. are, […]

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