Adobe Digitals Edition (beta)

by kai 25/10/2006

Adobe released a pretty cool new product on Labs: Adobe Digitals Edition (beta). Pretty bluntly said: It’s an ebook reader – but it’s an ebook reader on steroids as it manages your ebooks, as it has a small footprint (2.5 mb download) and as it is a Rich Internet Application running in the Flash Player […]

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Faking a currency numeric stepper in Flex 2

by kai 23/10/2006

I was building a Flex 2 prototype for a customer just recently. Part of this prototype application were several forms to juggle with money amounts in NZ$ – a good opportunity to use a numeric stepper you might think. Obviously, when dealing with money values in an application, you would like to have a currency […]

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Events Nov 06: Munich and Auckland

by kai 21/10/2006

Two more (interesting) events: The first one is about tools called Fusion Debug and Fusion Reactor. Both are very valuable tools for any CF developer and people operating their own server(s). Charlie Arehat is going to deliver a one day class “Fusion Debug/Fusion Reactor Fast Track” at the Adobe offices in Munich on November 3rd. […]

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MAX Korea 2006

by kai 21/10/2006

But saying that (in my last entry) – I will have a chance to visit Asia around mid-November. Adobe invited me to come over to Seoul in Korea and talk about Flex during their MAX Korea 2006 conference. Actually, I’m pretty excited – this will be my first trip to Asia (besides being in airports […]

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No MAX today…

by kai 21/10/2006

Also – I’m not going to be at MAX conference this year. Basically the reason is that my employer didn’t want to fund parts of my trip. That’s pretty sad, but on the other hand I do see the reasoning behind it (somehow). Anyway, have fun over there in Vegas!

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Back again

by kai 21/10/2006

Well, some people might have noticed that I haven’t been writing for nearly 3 months now – sorry for that. It’s pretty hard to provide a particular reason for that fact, there was just a lot going on lately, various things to do etc, you know… New Zealand is still treating us well, particularly now […]

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Animator vs. Animation

by kai 21/10/2006

This is probably an old and well-known one, but I really enjoyed watching it. Just the idea of building that “fight” within the Flash Authoring IDE is just bloody awesome!

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Pre-Review: Flex 2 Developing Rich Client Applications

by kai 27/07/2006

I’m currently working myself through the Flex 2: Developing Rich Client Applications materials. This class is basically going to be the introductory class of the certified Adobe curriculum and would usually be a 3-day class (roughly). After going through the book, the slides and the examples I just have to say that this class rocks! […]

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Recording of Marty’s Flashforms talk

by kai 26/07/2006

My colleague Marty put the recording of his Breeze talk on Flashforms online. If you ever wanted to learn about this exciting stuff in CF 7, tune in here! The session was very good and explained some of the benefits and/or drawbacks of Flashforms and showed how to create a Flashforms tree management tool for […]

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(CF)Eclipse/Flex Builder workspace crash – solution…?

by kai 14/07/2006

Eclipse is an awesome platform, I totally converted all my development to it some while ago and I even use it for writing documents in LaTeX in Eclipse. Just a while ago, I failed to get Marty from 01 converting to Eclipse as well, particularly to CFEclipse. One of the reasons was that his Eclipse […]

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