www.bepacked.com is LIVE

by kai on 07/08/2007

A lot of people have asked me what I was working on during the last few months. It was sometimes a bit difficult to provide a proper answer to this due to the fact that we wanted to keep things a bit quite. Now it’s time to reveal what I’ve been working on for ca. 50% of my time since I’ve started my own company, Ventego Creative Ltd, earlier this year…

bepacked.com – A new way to discover Australia


Bepacked.com is an absolutely awesome and community-driven tool for people travelling and particularly backpacking in Australia – it offers features such as Travelogues, Image libraries, Trip planning and much more.

The site is pretty much completely built on
Adobe technology – well they don’t have a database server yet, so we decided to use MS SQL Server in the meantime 🙂

The system is founded on a very nice and powerful ColdFusion 7 Enterprise Cluster and the front end comprises traditional HTML/CFM pages as well as a Flex 2 application with nice integration of rich media and mapping/GPS technologies. This Flex application is the core part of the system for the backpackers.

This is what we consider some sort of a 1.0 release. It’s stable and works very well, but we are aware that there is a long way ahead of us – we’re now getting the first load of content providers on board and we also have a list of cool functionalities to come during the next few weeks and months. Man, if I could tell you more about those…:)

Very important to mention: Obviously I haven’t built this on my own. Besides the “inventors” of bepacked.com (Dirk Eisner and Leopold Humbel), a few other well-known people are or had been involved, i.e. Kay Smoljak, Russell Munro, Michael Leung, Brett Payne-Rhodes and others.

Have a look yourself, even with currently not backpacking in Australia it should be a good fun to play with the application 🙂

Rey Bango August 7, 2007 at 12:00 am

Be sure to submit the site to GotCFM.com’s list of CF-Powered sites.

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