MAX 2006 Korea Day 1

by kai on 15/11/2006

Wow, wow, wow.

Did I say WOW?

Heading over to the conference area in the hotel was a really amazing experience. I’ve expected about 300-500 people attending the conference, given that it was “just” MAX Korea – but it turned out that the Korean Adobe team managed to get nearly 1100 paying attendees. That’s incredible, absolutely awesome! I have no idea how many people registered for MAX in Las Vegas this year, but I’d guess a number of 2500-3000 max. Given how small Korea is compared to the USA, this is really amazing.

The keynote took place in the huge ballroom of the hotel and was initiated by approximately 10 minutes of a mixture of Asian pop and classic music delivered by a band on stage (5 girls). I’ve missed most of the keynote as I’ve had to attend a preparation meeting with my interpreters (Yes, all the sessions have been interpreted simultaneously to Korean).

Sumi and Nikki arranged vegetarian lunch for me (probably being the only vegetarian of the whole event 😉 – that’s so sweet, thank you so much!

My session about Flex Data Services went pretty well, I’ve had to adapt my content slightly after James Ward, who spoke before me, suddenly started to cover “my” topics… that has been an interesting 20 minute break between our sessions to create some additional content… you owe me at least one beer next time we meet, mate! 😉

After that I’ve been up to my room and catched the second half of Andrew Shorten’s presentation on Flex and Flash Media Server – which was really interesting as my FMS knowledge is pretty…ehhh…non-existing 😉

The Korean Adobe team organized a night event for the speakers and the Adobe team. We went to a traditional Korean restaurant and had traditional Korean food. That was really exciting – I’ve had some people sitting next to me who helped my with finding out which of the food I actually could eat and which not, thank you guys!!!! I’ve got a few nice pictures, will post them later (or maybe tomorrow, when I’m back home).

After that a few of us went to a Karaoke place after the dinner – absolutely cool! Mario and I performed a version of the “traditional” German folk song “99 Red Balloons” and some other well-known members of the Flash/Flex community performed even worse stuff (have you ever heard someone doing Metallica…args…;) Sumi, thank you for taking us over there!

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