ColdFusion VM Abort

by kai 02/07/2005

Just recently I got to see this from one of my support customers: Heap at VM Abort: Heap PSYoungGen total 94144K, used 6649K [0x44950000, 0x4bb10000, 0x4bb10000) eden space 71808K, 0% used [0x44950000,0x449a8810,0x48f70000) from space 22336K, 28% used [0x4a540000,0x4ab65ed0,0x4bb10000) to space 22336K, 0% used [0x48f70000,0x48f70000,0x4a540000) PSOldGen total 932096K, used 382333K [0x4bb10000, 0x84950000, 0x84950000) object space 932096K, […]

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CFUNITED last day, over and out

by kai 01/07/2005

CFUNITED 2005 is over. I spent this last day in a very good session on FarCry, presented by Steve Rittler and the already mentioned sessions on Event Gateways. Now I’m sitting in the wrap-up session and the conference is nearly finished. I took the chance to speak with a bunch of people today and even […]

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A quick impression of MX Kollektion 3

by kai 01/07/2005

As most of you might know: I don’t like Dreamweaver. Well, this is the polite version 😉 Honestly, I don’t think Dreamweaver is a good coding tool – which is the reason why I’m still on Homesite+ and prefer CFEclipse more and more. MX Kollection 3 is a pack of extensions for Dreamweaver and was […]

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CFUNITED: Thursday sessions

by kai 01/07/2005

Just a brief overview on my yesterdays’ sessions: I went to a Fusebox session and learned a lot about the CF 7 Event gateways. At all I’ve been to three session on those: EG in general, how to build them and how to use the SMS gateway. Interesting with this one is, that this approach […]

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New CF community/tutorial site (in German)

by kai 30/06/2005

Reinhard Jung started a new German-languaged community site for CF developers. It’s called and he published several articles and tutorials already. More is to expect over the next weeks and months. Sorry folks, the content is just in German language…;)

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CFUnited: Wednesday afternoon sessions

by kai 30/06/2005

The afternoon keynote by Joel Spolsky was a pure blast. This was – believe me or not – the best session I ever attended at any conference. This guy is even better live than via blog or book. In the afternoon I attended a very good session on CSS Box Model. Finally even I as […]

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CFUNITED: my morning sessions

by kai 29/06/2005

Well, let’s say my morning session. I intended to be in a session on Verity but missed it due to a bunch of highly interesting discussions with Mike Nimer, Tim Buntel and Ben Forta about various CF topics…;) Guys, again, I’m so looking forward to the CFMX 7 Updater – you’d love the enhancements regarding […]

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Another code name: ColdFusion “Scorpio”

by kai 29/06/2005

“Scorpio” is the code name for the new ColdFusion major release. Work on it started but obviously there is no release or even preview yet 🙂 Ben just talked about the directions they’re heading to: – continue to innovate regarding frontend and functionality – allow to monitor, access and understand the internals of the server […]

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Macromedia officially to support CFEclipse

by kai 29/06/2005

Tim Buntel just announced that Macromedia is officially going to support the CFEclipse project. Important: that doesn’t mean a buyout or something. CFEclipse stays open source, MM will just put support and knowledge into the project. This is awesome and the right decision from my point of view! They also announce a new “nightly build” […]

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ColdFusion Merrimack

by kai 29/06/2005

ColdFusion “Merrimack” ist the code name for the upcoming ColdFusion MX 7 updater. But – and this promises to become very, very interesting – it won’t just consist of a bunch of bug fixes, it will provide some new features: – new supported plattforms: MacOS X, Red Hat AS 3/4, Suse Linux Enterprise 8/9, Oracle […]

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